The classic Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, which are divided into Senior Arcana 22 cards and lower Arcana four suits, usually 56 cards, with 14 cards in each suit.
Senior Arcana: Origins and Philosophy (from Latin arcanum - mystery) Tarot is based on the image of the Tree of Life of the Sephiroth, borrowed from the Kabbalah, and is considered the symbol of Creation. This tree consists of ten energy centers (sephiroth), connected by 22 "paths" or bundles. It is believed that the ten sefirot correspond to the first ten numbers, and twenty-two bonds between them-22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which in turn correspond to the 22 Senior Arcana.
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Upload date: 2018-01-18
The values Of the major Arcana of Tarot cards are multivalued.
The interpretation of maps in divination depends on the images that are applied to them.
In the Tarot major Arcana represent major events in human life.
Fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana represent four suits of tarot cards, symbols of which are cups, wands, swords and pentacles. Considering tarot cards in the projection of the human personality, suits symbolize a person's experience in four different spheres of life. The younger Arcana of Tarot cards also report on manifestations of the qualities of this or that element in conjunction with a certain number.
In divination, the meaning of the suit of Tarot Cups corresponds to the first element and the elements of Water. It is fluid, volatile and elusive, takes any form and seeps through any barriers. The suit of cups is like the world of feelings. Fourteen cards of this suit describe the development of the sensory sphere of a person: emotional reactions, their change with the acquisition of life experience, and also point to the characteristic types of people.
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In divination, the meaning of the suit of the Tarot of Wands cards corresponds to the first element and the element of Fire. He is able to arise from nothing, transforming everything he touches, while remaining unchanged. Fire is invincible, it decomposes objects to the basic elements and transforms their nature. The world of creative imagination is the same: images come from nowhere, transforming the "real" world of concrete forms, inhaling the meaning and meaning in them. Fourteen cards of the suit of wands describe the development of the creative imagination, its use for solving vital problems, and also point to the danger of the prevalence of the imagination over common sense.
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In divination, the meaning of the suit of the Tarot cards of the Swords corresponds to the first element and the elements of Air. Invisible air was considered the breath of the Spirit, comprehended the design of the creation before it was manifested. The suit of swords is like reason. The double-edged blade of the sword is a perfect symbol of the duality of the mind: a sharply sharpened blade of the mind is able to penetrate the most complex and confusing subject or situation, but inflexible steel can injure. Fourteen cards of suit of swords describe the development of thinking ability, the ability to abstractly think and form concepts that give life order and meaning. Development occurs through conflicts, quarrels and disunity, and through clarity and awareness.
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In divination, the meaning of the suit of tarot cards of Pentacles corresponds to the first element and the elements of the Earth. This is the beginning and the end of any phenomenon and living being. Any experience, before becoming accessible to the senses, the imagination or the spirit, must pass through the body. Fourteen cards of the suit of pentacles describe the development of the ability to function in reality and the gradual adjustment during life to the demands, disappointments and joys of the terrestrial world.
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Tarot cards first appeared in Italy and their history of creation is shrouded in mystery and goes back to ancient times.
Today, the types of tarot cards are striking in their diversity. Everyone can choose the deck that suits him.
The significance of the cards of the Tarot deck as one of the most mysterious ancient prognostic systems and for what they are needed.